Gov. DeWine Encourages Ohioans to ‘Have a Little #SpiritWeekOhio Fun’ and ‘Stay in Your PJ’s All Day’


Nearly 1 million Ohioans have filed for unemployment since Gov. Mike DeWine shut the state down, and the governor has responded by calling for a “Spirit Week” to have “#SpiritWeekOhio fun” which includes wearing pajamas.

Six of the state’s most influential business organizations last week sent a letter to Gov. Mike DeWine last week urging him to reopen the economy as nearly one million Ohioans have now filed unemployment claims since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, as The Ohio Star reported Monday. The letter was signed by the Ohio Chamber of Commerce, Ohio Business Roundtable, the Ohio Manufacturers’ Association, the Ohio Council on Retail Merchants, Ohio Farm Bureau, and NFIB-Ohio.

While business leaders were focusing last week on the pending economic collapse, DeWine was busy making plans for coordinating pajamas and pizza days.

DeWine tweeted, “We appreciate all of our essential workers and everyone who has stayed home to #SlowtheSpread and save lives. As we move down #Ohio’s path to restart, we encourage you to have a little #SpiritWeekOhio fun.”

The #SpiritWeekOhio fun days are:

  • Monday: Pajamas Day. Wear your PJs to meetings.
  • Tuesday: Garden Day: Plant your garden.
  • Wednesday: Salute your hero: Dress up like a doctor, nurse, truck driver or whomever. You are encouraged to draw a picture.
  • Thursday: Spirit Day. Show your spirit for your favorite sports team or school.
  • Friday: Pizza Day

Some of DeWine’s constituents were less than impressed.

One tweeted, “Bro I didn’t realize you were actually serious…”

“Nothing like cheering on economic suicide thanks”.

“Spirit week?!?! I can’t wait to celebrate losing my small business by wearing pajamas. This is the dumbest idea I’ve ever seen.”

“Good to see your Twitter Arts & Crafts Playtime six-figure-salary staff are considered essential”.

“I look forward to your press conference (a meeting) where you let all of Ohio know the next steps – while wearing PJs. Wait that would be inappropriate and odd? Almost like it would be for other adult to do so. Please stop – people need unemployment paid, not spirit week”.

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Jason M. Reynolds has more than 20 years’ experience as a journalist at outlets of all sizes.
Photo “Ohio State House Rotunda” by Bestbudbrian CC3.0.





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